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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 11  FOX  February 13, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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[music] >> reporter: that is music to the ears of this teacher. beth parker, fox 5 news. >> i could of used a teacher like that in high school. good luck to you. thanks for joining us. her is the news edge at 11:00. mild day turns into a wintry night as wet snowfalls across the area. for some of you, not over yet. sue? >> it is still snowing out and heading over to the bay and the eastern shore. but t is going to -- but it is going to wind down. you might have a little here and there. and the pave want is mostly wet. a minor impact. it was pretty. i saw a lot of people talking about it on facebook and twitter because of the size of the flakes and for awhile it snowed moderately. where is it now. we will take you to radar. as you can see it cheered the d.c. area. -- cleared the d.c. area. baltimore to a annapolis.
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it will move away. rapidly, too. skies will cheer as we go through the overnight and next thing we need to focus on are the temperatures. because t is still 36 degrees -- it is still 36 degrees here in the district. those to the south and east and the middle 30s we will have to watch the areas along interstate 81 here with the temperatures may be dropping into the 20s. this is what we are projecting overnight as the temperatures to the the north and west with a little bit of snowpack on the grassy areas, only, can help you create a few slick spots in the morning, we will keep a close eye on that for you. meanwhile, expect a nice bright valentine's day and most of you are not going to have to shovel. we thought we would show you a few of the totals in the area. one of the higher totals, elevation of 700 feet. under two inches, half an inch and winchester coming in at one inch, might be another chance of fast-moving snow showers with a small accumulation coming up before the weekend gets here. i will talk to you about that here in just a few minutes.
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>> see you in just a bit. track the forecast. just search for dc weather in the app store. download it. now, to the news alert out of virginia, an elderly man is found dead inside of a home. fox 5 is live right now on the scene with the latest. we will have more on this discovery, bob? >> reporter: yes, brian, this man was 94 years old. found at 7:00 tonight inside of his home here. this is holly street in the del ray section of alexandria. that is the house right this. the polices have been in shortly after that time tonight. showing you videotape from earlier. the police here are only calling it a suspicious death. however, a source at the scene with -plg of what happened here is as that this man was murdered during a burglary and robbery at his home here. we are told by the police he in
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a house on 36th avenue. he told his family he was awaken by a roommate and they went out back to investigate the fire in the backyard.
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this, they were joined by a roommate, 23-year-old 23-year- old grad student. they went to the front lawn to get water. >> for some reason he felt like he needed to look back and check and he felt a gun coming out of his pocket and he turned to run and he got shot. >> his stepson was shot in the upper thigh. he fell to the ground but immediately heard more gunfire. >> he got up and ran as fast as he could and ran to a neighbors house and thank god she let him in the door. and provided coverage for him. >> the roommate was shot to death on the front lawn. the shooter went to the backyard and committed suicide. according to the stepfather of the survivor, the roommates were not aware that green was treated for some kind of mental condition. although they did describe him as different. >> i guess they were a little bit weary of him. but, you know, having a couple guns in the house was, you
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know, gave them pause for concern but, you know, he is allowed to have them. >> the police say the guns owned by the shooter were apparently legally punched. maryland heg lature -- purchased. murder immediate legislatures are pondering more restrictions on gun sales. the stepfather of the surviving roommate opposes more restrictions on gun sales. he points out green had a backpack that had a machete in it. the survivor plans to complete his semester at the university of maryland. but he will not live in the house where the shootings occurred. back to you. we continue to follow the deadly manhunt in california that came to an end last night after a firery standoff with the police near the the big bear resort. the search for christopher dorner ended at a vacant cabin but went up in names following a violent shootout. a body and personal information was recovered from the charred house. the body is believed to be
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dorne. however, they are waiting for positive identification. >> we believe this investigation is over at that point. and we will need to move on from here. >> new information indicates he was hiding from the authority, across the street from the police command post and his cover was blown after two housekeepers surprised him at the cabin. they said he tied the women up but one of them got lose and called 911. >> if you think traffic is bad now, coming up, why our area is expected to get more crowded. >> the mayor of the toughest cities calls this video shocking and a blow to the conscious of the community. why the team became a target of the attack, coming up ck, comin
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three people are under arrest in new jersey after the police found a naked man being whipped because of his father's debt. we have the story, we want to warn you the video may be hard to watch. >> reporter: newark cops know who is involved in the vicious beating with where a young man was whipped reportedly after being told to take all of his
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clothes off. the video went viral on youtube. >> we do not tolerate this kind of evil in our community. >> all three of the persons that were arrested, males, do have gang affiliation. >> reporter: newark police director says four days after finding out about the video, arrests were made. 22-year-old holt allegedly used the belt to whip the victim. the 31-year-old supplied the belt to holt while 23-year-old recorded it. >> this crime in august was not reported. nobody called 911. in the face of evil, those who remain quiet are participants in that evil. >> reporter: after the victim is naked you can hear the voices of the young men cursing at him and beating him with the belt. the attacker can be heard demanding money. the beating goes on for a
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minute and a half. they demand the victim look at the camera and say it is a dog- eat-dog world. cops say the incident happened on irvine turner boulevard. when it was all over someoned the amount of money that. proked the attack was $20. the charges against the three men include robbery and aggravated assault. one of the suspect's girlfriends was arrested. not for assault but drug possession. all will appear in court in the near future f. cop victed they face several years in state prison. back to you. another big story we are following continue. the long ride home for thousands of cruiseship passengers stuck at sea. stranded since sunday after a fire wiped out power to the vessel. to get back to hand the ship has been pulled back to shore. passenger that have been able to reach out to loved ones tell them the sanitary conditions
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went down quickly. >> on monday my ex-husband informed me that they were eating the onion sandwiches that they were requesting that they use the rest room in red plastic bags because the toilets were overflowing and the sewage was coming up through the showers. >> carnival's president says there say running of water in a number of rest rooms. they canceled cruises coming up. >> 74% said they would still go on a cruise and 26 say they are less likely. you can vote on the poll on the dc face book page. >> 10% said they would send their ex-husbands on one. some of us may be exercising too much. we have the top 5. up first tonight, bryan, find out if you drive one of the most reliable vehicles on the road.
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number 5, according to jp power and associates, lexus, porsche and lincoln makes the best vehicles but least reliable, jeep, mitsubishi, dodge and land rover. that is in the last year by occupiers of 3-year-old vehicles. number 4, calcium is good for your bones but too much may not. taking too m and supplements were more than twice as likely to die from heart disease than woman getting 600 to 900 a day. number 3, less is more when it comes to exercise for older woman. researchers say women who exercise four times a week felt the most energized and physically capable and burned more calories than woman who exercised more than that or less than that. cutting the sugar. the center for the science in public interest is asking the fda to determine what is a safe level of significant arfor beverages? they say surg ardrinks lead to
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obesity and -- surg ardrinks lead to obesity. -- sugar drinks lead to obesity. number one tonight, dc region is growing by leaps and bounds. new figures predict the population will be near 7 million by 2040. 32% increase. employment is expected to grow faster. the region is expected to add 1.4 million jobs by 2040. bryan, that is a look at tonight's fox 5 top 5. there is such a thing as too much snow. scooter proves it. the dog seemed excited to get in the snow this weekend until he dove in. and then he got in over his head. the occupier was not sure he would be able to get back to the house. a lot of effort he jumped back to safety. the video going viral with more than a million videos on youtube. >> he looks like a fish there. >> not getting that this time
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around. no, connecticut got a lot of snow on short notice. they are melting it it off, brian. we will see a nice day around here. what we are concerned about is whether or not the wet spots frees up. be aware of the tact that the temperatures will likely drop into the upper 20s well to the north and west in the areas where you see the snow covering the grass and sticking to the trees but not so much to the pavement. we will watch tomorrow and i am sure crews will be able to spotlight the areas that have trouble. check it out tomorrow morning to see how it is going. tonight, we are seeing this activity all moving away quickly. so, we are drying out here. although we will have wet pavement in spots. what you can see here is what is left is now basically on the eastern shore or over to the bay. really, breaking up quickly. now, this storm is expected to try to deepen just a little bit and spread more snow a bit of a way up the coast. but, not going to be any kind of repeat of what they went
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through. as you can see here, it is just about out of here. we turn the attention to the temperatures and the fact that skies will start to clear and the temperatures will drop. hold on to 36 degrees here in the district. we will stay around 35 tonight, maybe 34. but i don't think it will get colder than that. these areas to frederick to dallas and out to the north and west that you might have to watch for a couple of spots that could be slick in the morning. colder air up and over the point ans at weight for pittsburgh, 27 in columbus and chicago, 36 degrees. new york city, above freezing and boston. so, they are melting their snow away in a good fashion this week. now, overnight, temperatures, low to middle 30s, upper 20s out to the north and west. that is why we will be watching that chosely. it will be nices to have the sun back tomorrow. a bright sunnyvale entaoeupb's day. we will have a front -- sunny valentine's day. we will have a front that will make it feel nice with the sunshine. high was 48 degrees.
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that is a big part of the reason why we did not have snow sticking to the pavement. now, 34 degrees. overnight, 35 degrees, clouds starting to break up. and we will be falling below freezing north and west. your valentine's day, as you know, will be nice around here featuring a temperature of 50 with lots of sunshine in your planner. 8:00 in the morning, 37 degrees, a few clouds, noon, we are bright and sunny at 44. and by 4:00, 49 degrees, good amount of sunshine. wanting to talk about the temperatures around the region tomorrow. mostly upper 40s to near 50. again, lots of sunshine. but, over the weekend things change-up and it gets colder. we have an arctic boundary that will come through on friday night and some of the models are suggesting there could be snow shower or maybe even a small accumulation with a wave moving through on friday night. then, another boundary that will come through on saturday. so, that will keep the temperatures cold and breezy for sunday, only in the 30s. we will watch the friday
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nighttime frame close. we have one make on there right now. something in the overnight temperatures to watch. it will be warm before it gets here at 54. crash down to 42 on saturday. maybe early snow showers, 37. monday, another rainy system. >> 2 degrees. that is it for weather. we will watch the patterns close for you and lindsay is watching the wizards closely. here is the sports report ts re the wizards will be one of the few dreading the all-star break. not for the wizards who you are on the longest winning streak of the season. the wins coming a against teams inside of the play off picture. tonight, a road date, 2nd half, driving behind the back and the team high, 20 points, 9 rebounds, the 4th quarter, they are down, 3, now, he hits the 3. and he gets poked in the eye
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by singleton. gets poked in the eye. pistons up 1. just a little to go. while on the break, again, going behind the back. this time, trevor, tied at 76. 9 assists. but, then, the pistons will go on a 14-2 run. now, he drills the baseline, the wizards fall to the pistons. they enter at 15 to 36 for the all-star break. the basketball team is preparing for a saturday showdown against duke. when the two teams met last month in durham they lost boy 20 points. now, six days passed since the last time the terps played and duke, meanwhile, they got warmed up tonight. the dukies, all fired up. the blue devils, hosting north carolina, the tar hills led the first 26 minutes off of the miss here. duke, in the head. getting the star. the lay in. two of the 18 points, fans in a frenzy.
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duke up by 1 point. 5 plus minutes to go. duke, now, up by 5. going to mis the jumper. rebound out to curry. buries the 3. tpogd enjoyed that more than his mom. -- nobody enjoyed that more than his mom. they are 9 toe 2 in the acc. carolina 6-5. miami on the road tonight against florida state. the canes fell behind. then, they took over the game. second half, reggie johnson, inside of the gamble for the dunk. my my in the lead for good. then, 5 minutes left. shane, son of mlb uses it and hits the 3. miami up to go on for the 74-68 win. improving 11-0 in the acc. capitols starts a modest winning streak. there is no mass-produced human.
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so we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dualair technology
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that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs. each of your bodies. our sleep professionals will help you find your sleep number setting. exclusively at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort... individualized. at the ultimate sleep number event, queen mattresses start at just $599. and save 50% on our innovative limited edition bed. nat's 2nd baseman had 189 strike outs, that is the numbers revealed last month after the last couple of weeks of the season he played with an injury. today, they growed that he can play through the injury and avoid injury. baseball has heated up in florida today. the pitchers and catchers reported for their first day. the first full workout is on saturday and the team's first spring training game is on
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february 23rd against the mets. scott smith will begin his live reports starting on friday. to a much cooler sport. the capitols are riding a modet 2-game winning streak after sweeping the panthers. the caps scored 11 goals in two games winning last night in overtime after trailing by 2 in the threerd period. the coach was -- 3rd period. the coach was proud of his team for not giving up. >> we saw it was going to be one of those nights where they are going in and stay with the program and fight through the mistakes and, they did it. good for them. obvious he a good win for us. i hope they understand we can get plenty, we have to take care of our end. we have to take care of our end and that is the most important thing. >> reporter: the capitols play the lightning tomorrow night. that is a wrap up on sports. good night gs up ? legs up, legs up, legs up ! red hot deal days are back. let nothing stop you. good job !
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it's red hot deal days. get the nokia lumia 822 in red for free and discover all the things to do on the go with city lens. or the droid razr m by motorola in pink for $49.99. everything droid does in an edge-to-edge display. hurry in, because the sale ends february 20th. powerful devices. powerful network. verizon.
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when you think of the former president, johnson, you may not think of space, but he was romantic. he wrote hundreds of letters to lady bird before they were married. he asked his future first lady to marry them after the first date t. took a few months of convincing w. they finally did marry he did not splurge on their wedding bands they came from sears for $2.50.
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have a fantastic night. see you back here tomorrow    [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber.


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